Japanese / English

Subject Name

Japanese Level

K400: Kanji/Vocabulary 4

Level 4 (Intermediate)

Class Goals and Outline

Through practical exercises, students will learn kanji and vocabulary necessary to read and write texts such as reports and academic articles.


A2.2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N3 in the JLPT).

Learning Objectives

-Acquire a wide vocabulary and be able to read texts containing frequently used common expressions

-Learn to read specialized articles outside of one's own field using a dictionary

-Learn to write messages explaining questions or problems

-Learn to use appropriate kanji in e-mail, reports, and presentation drafts

Number of Classes (per week)

Fall/spring terms: twice/week (2 periods/week), 28 classes total 

Course Content

-Kanji and Japanese word-processing software

-Kanji for expressing opinions/evaluations

-Modifiers related to opinions/evaluations

-Kanji related to modifiers

-Kanji for writing prefaces

-Kanji for describing experiments/observations

-Kanji for surveys

-Kanji for expressing numbers

-Kanji in diagrams

-Kanji for describing results/speculations

-Modifiers that appear frequently in academic writing


"Kaiteiban Daigaku/Daigakuin Ryugakusei no Nihongo 5 Kanji/Goihen"

Evaluation Method

Examinations (50%)

Participation (50%): Short tests, attendance, participation in class activities, homework

Subject to change.
