Japanese / English

Subject Name

Japanese Level

R500: Reading Comprehension 5

Level 5 (Upper-intermediate)

Class Goals and Outline

Students will obtain reading comprehension skills necessary to read coherent writing such as reports in specialized fields, academic articles, specialized books, etc.


B1 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N2 in the JLPT)

Learning Objectives

B2 level in the  CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education

-Learn to understand the primary conclusions of texts containing clear points of view

-Learn to independently read, and mostly understand, material while varying reading speed and style to suit a variety of goals and types of text

-Learn to ascertain important points of long, complex texts related to one's own major at a glance

-Learn to select appropriate reference materials

Number of Classes (per week)

Fall/spring terms: once/week (1 period/week), 14 classes total 

Course Content

-Review N2 vocabulary, learn vocabulary for N1 or higher

-Vocabulary used in academic articles

-Expressions used in academic articles

-Speaking skills needed to participate in discussions within specialized fields

-Global issues

-Local issues

-Understanding Japan and its culture

-Themes in the sciences and humanities: environment, technology, economics, education, culture


To be assigned in class.

Evaluation Method

Examinations (50%)

Participation (50%): Preparation, attendance, participation in class activities, homework

Subject to change.
