Japanese / English

Subject Name

Japanese Level

RS450: Research Seminar 4 for DEEp-Bridge Students

Level 4


Class Goals and Outline

Students will gain basic abilities related to giving coherent presentations on their own majors and themes of interest. They will write reports and reviews in Japanese on documents they have read in Japanese, English, and their native languages. Special attention will be given to pronunciation.


A2.2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N3 in the JLPT).

Only open to DEEp-Bridge students.

Learning Objectives

B1 level in the  CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education

-Learn to give basic presentations relatively fluently on one's own major and related themes

-Learn to describe the sequence of events in books etc. and talk about one's own ideas regarding them

-Learn to give brief reasons and explanations regarding opinions, plans, and actions

-Learn to speak in reasonably grammatical sentences

-Learn to speak with relatively understandable, clear pronunciation

-Learn to respond to questions

Number of Classes (per week)

Fall/spring terms: once/week (1 period/week), 14 classes total 

Course Content

-Reviewing documents

-Preparing presentation materials (outlines, slides)

-Giving presentations

-Asking questions

-Ensuring pronunciation is intelligible to native Japanese speakers


To be distributed in class.

Evaluation Method

Reports (40%): mid-term report

Presentation (40%): final presentation

Participation (20%): Attendance, participation in class activities, homework

Subject to change.
