Japanese / English

Subject Name

Japanese Level

R400: Reading Comprehension 4

Level 4 (Intermediate)

Class Goals and Outline

Students will acquire knowledge of grammar and structure necessary to read texts such as reports and academic articles while gaining basic reading skills needed to independently read articles related to their own majors. They will also learn to summarize.


A2.2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N3 in the JLPT).

*Ability to read about 750 basic kanji is recommended (equivalent to having completed a K3-level class in Kanji/Vocabulary 3).

Learning Objectives

B1 level in the  CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education

-Learn to understand the primary conclusions of texts containing clear points of view

-Learn to read relatively long texts and find necessary information in them

-Learn to understand articles and reports on modern problems, using dictionaries and diagramming relationships as needed.

Number of Classes (per week)

Fall/spring terms: once/week (1 period/week), 14 classes total 

Course Content

-Vocabulary and expressions used in academic writing

-Sentence structure

-Co-occurring words, expressions

-Grammar for reading (characteristics of written language, particle equivalents, structure of complex sentences, instructions, diagrams, observations, results, opinions/assertions, rhetorical questions)

-Reading comprehension (inference, explanations of diagrams and results, direction of discourse, inferring meaning from kanji, summaries, structure, experiment/survey methodology, results and observations, conclusions)


"Kaiteiban Daigaku/Daigakuin Ryugakusei no Nihongo 3 Ronbun Dokkaihen"

Evaluation Method

Examinations (50%): Final examination

Participation (50%): Preparation, attendance, participation in class activities, homework

Subject to change.
